Picture of Ben Paddock

Ben Paddock

Developer, avid cyclist and coffee drinker.

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I have recently changed jobs and I now work for BT Osmosoft. I am super happy to be here because it's the opportunity to think and work like a small company but with the securities and other such benefits of a larger one.  I used to do a lot of internal work but Osmosoft has an Open Source presence and I can finally share my code for others to use and critique (I expect mainly the latter will occur!)

I used to work on the middleware side of the software stack in unified communications but I have recently grown to enjoy front-end web development.  The web used to be just a bunch of linked pages of content but now it's pretty much everything from applications mimicking desktop counterparts to a Gameboy emulator. With technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 it is also becoming an art form in it's own right.

There has been much discussion in team meetings (read: pub visits) about our presence on the web and one thing that was mentioned was that we should blog more.  So here I am making a start!

More to come...

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